利勃海尔LTC1050-3.1起重机具(jù)有以下优点:1. 高承载能力:该起重机的最大吊重可达50吨,适用于各种大型起重作(zuò)业。2. 强(qiáng)大的工(gōng)作(zuò)范围:起重高度可达62.6米,最大工(gōng)作(zuò)半径为48米,可满足各种高空作(zuò)业的需求。3. 灵活性好:起重机具(jù)有多种工(gōng)作(zuò)模式和操控模式,可以根(gēn)据具(jù)体作(zuò)业需求进行调整,适应不同的工(gōng)作(zuò)环境。4. 先进的安(ān)全措施:起重机配备了多种安(ān)全装置,如重载保护系统、限位保护装置、过载保护装置等,可有效保障作(zuò)业安(ān)全。5. 高效的工(gōng)作(zuò)效率:起重机采用液压伸缩式起重臂,升降速度快,操作(zuò)简(jiǎn)便快捷,提高了工(gōng)作(zuò)效率。6. 负载和风险管理:起重机配备了可靠且精确的负载和风险管理系统,可对作(zuò)业状态进行实时监测和管理,提供全方位的安(ān)全保障。总之,利勃海尔LTC1050-3.1起重机具(jù)备高承载能力、广泛的工(gōng)作(zuò)范围、灵活性好、先进的安(ān)全措施、高效的工(gōng)作(zuò)效率和全面的风险管理等优点,可满足各种大型起重作(zuò)业的需求。
Liebherr LTC1050-3.1 crane has the following advantages: 1. high load capacity: the crane's maximum lifting weight can be up to 50 tons, which is suitable for all kinds of large-scale lifting operations. 2. powerful working range: the lifting height can be up to 62.6 meters, and the maximum working radius is 48 meters, which can satisfy all kinds of high-altitude operations. 3. good flexibility: the crane has a variety of working modes and manipulation modes that It can be adjusted according to specific operational needs and adapt to different working environments.4. Advanced safety measures: the crane is equipped with a variety of safety devices, such as heavy load protection system, limit protection device, overload protection device, etc., which can effectively protect the operational safety.5. Efficient work efficiency: the crane adopts hydraulic telescopic lifting jib with fast lifting speed and easy and fast operation, which improves the work efficiency.6. Load and risk management: the crane is equipped with a reliable and accurate load and risk management system, which can monitor and manage the operation status in real time and provide all-round safety protection. All in all, Liebherr LTC1050-3.1 crane has the advantages of high load capacity, wide working range, good flexibility, advanced safety measures, high efficiency and comprehensive risk management, etc., which can meet the needs of various large-scale lifting operations.